One Thing: Developing a Passion for the Beauty of God
by Sam Storms (Christian Focus, 2004)
This is a beautifully written book. Sam Storms has adopted John Piper’s phrase to describe himself as a Christian Hedonist. Like Piper (and like me), Storms has been captivated by Jonathan Edwards’ description of God’s glory and beauty. After introducing the importance of beauty as a category for understanding and enjoying God (3 chapters), Storms illustrates the beauty and majesty of God with chapters on Handel’s Messiah, Galactic Grandeur, and Microscopic Majesty. He concludes with three chapters on the vital importance of beauty for a healthy, happy Christian life.
“The essence of loving living as a follower of Jesus isn’t in trying harder but in enjoying more. I’m not saying you can change without trying. I’m saying that enjoyment empowers effort. Pleasure in God is the power for purity” (p. 128).
While Sam Storms has the same understanding of God’s beauty as I do, our books are nevertheless quite different. One Thing is more devotional, my Beauty of God for a Broken World is more theological. Storms does an excellent job of illustrating God’s beauty. I have attempted to defend it.
Link to Sam Storm’s website